Base Cmdlets

Cmdlet Description
Get-PnPAppAuthAccessToken Returns the access token
Get-PnPAuthenticationRealm Returns the authentication realm
Get-PnPAzureADManifestKeyCredentials Return the JSON Manifest snippet for Azure Apps
Get-PnPAzureCertificate Get PEM values and manifest settings for an existing certificate (.pfx) for use when using CSOM via an app-only ADAL application. See for a sample on how to get started. KeyCredentials contains the ADAL app manifest sections. Certificate contains the PEM encoded certificate. PrivateKey contains the PEM encoded private key of the certificate.
New-PnPAzureCertificate Generate a new 2048bit self-signed certificate and manifest settings for use when using CSOM via an app-only ADAL application. See for a sample on how to get started. KeyCredentials contains the ADAL app manifest sections. Certificate contains the PEM encoded certificate. PrivateKey contains the PEM encoded private key of the certificate.
Get-PnPConnection Returns the current context
Get-PnPContext Returns the current context
Set-PnPContext Set the ClientContext
Get-PnPException Returns the last exception that occurred
Get-PnPHealthScore Retrieves the healthscore value.
Connect-PnPOnline Connect to a SharePoint site
Disconnect-PnPOnline Disconnects the context
Get-PnPProperty Returns a previously not loaded property of a ClientObject
Invoke-PnPQuery Executes the currently queued actions
Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod Invokes a REST request towards a SharePoint site
Add-PnPStoredCredential Adds a credential to the Windows Credential Manager
Get-PnPStoredCredential Get a credential
Remove-PnPStoredCredential Removes a credential
Set-PnPTraceLog Turn log tracing on or off