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alm_news [2024/09/13 07:20] (current) Henrik Yllemo
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 +====== News ======
 +<panel type="default" title="Major updates 2024"  icon="glyphicon glyphicon-star">
 +  * Dark mode theme
 +  * [[project:templates:start]]
 +  * [[problem:templates:start|Problem Solving Templates]]
 +  * [[ai:start|Artificial Intelligence (AI)]]
 +  * [[intelligence:start|Intelligence]]
 +  * Tags: {{tagpage>ai}}, {{tagpage>template-start}}, {{tagpage>ai-code}}, {{tagpage>intelligence}}
 +<panel type="default" title="Major updates 2023"  icon="glyphicon glyphicon-star">
 +  * [[ebook:ebook|Ebook]] - Export pages as a .pdf (eBook)
 +  * [[trend:trend|Digital Trends]]
 +  * [[ai:ai]]
 +  * [[product:product]]
 +  * Tags: {{tagpage>quiz}}, {{tagpage>checklist}}, {{tagpage>mindmap}}, {{tagpage>ebook}}
 +<panel type="default" title="Major updates 2022"  icon="glyphicon glyphicon-star">
 +  * [[learning:learning|Learning & Development]]
 +  * Tags: {{tagpage>roadmap}}
 +  * [[roles:developer_experience|Developer Experience]] 
 +  * [[compare:compare|Analysis | Comparisons | Reviews]]
 +  * New template
 +<panel type="default" title="Major updates 2021"  icon="glyphicon glyphicon-star">
 +  * [[:tier:tier|Tier lists]]
 +  * [[:problem:problem|Problem Solving]]
 +  * [[method:fusion_development|Fusion development]]
 +<panel type="default" title="Major updates 2020"  icon="glyphicon glyphicon-star">
 +  * [[kb:citizen_development|Citizen Development]]
 +  * [[method:digital_transformation|Digital Transformation (DX)]]
 +  * [[architecture:architecture|Architecture (IT, Digital)]]
 +  * [[roles:roles]]
 +  * [[taxonomy:taxonomy|Taxonomy]]
 +  * [[microsoft:microsoft_cloud|Microsoft Cloud]]
 +    * [[microsoft:teams:teams|Microsoft Teams Development]]
 +<panel type="default" title="Major updates 2019"  icon="glyphicon glyphicon-star">
 +  * [[microsoft:azure:devops|Azure DevOps Services]]
 +  * [[sharepoint:sharepoint|SharePoint Development]]  
 +  * [[microsoft:microsoft_cloud|Microsoft Cloud]]
 +    * [[microsoft:365:office365|Microsoft Office 365]]
 +    * [[microsoft:365:office365#list_of_apps_in_office_365|List of apps in Office 365]] 
 +    * [[microsoft:365:office_365_navigator|Office 365 Navigator]] 
 +    * [[microsoft:365:microsoft_power_platform|Microsoft Power Platform]]
 +  * [[dev:programming_lagugages]]
 +<panel type="default" title="Latest updates"  icon="glyphicon glyphicon-paperclip">