
Semantic network

A semantic network is a knowledge base that represents semantic relations between concepts in a network.

Snippet from Wikipedia: Semantic network

A semantic network, or frame network is a knowledge base that represents semantic relations between concepts in a network. This is often used as a form of knowledge representation. It is a directed or undirected graph consisting of vertices, which represent concepts, and edges, which represent semantic relations between concepts, mapping or connecting semantic fields. A semantic network may be instantiated as, for example, a graph database or a concept map. Typical standardized semantic networks are expressed as semantic triples.

Semantic networks are used in neurolinguistics and natural language processing applications such as semantic parsing and word-sense disambiguation. Semantic networks can also be used as a method to analyze large texts and identify the main themes and topics (e.g., of social media posts), to reveal biases (e.g., in news coverage), or even to map an entire research field.


  • kb/semantic_network.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/08/15 16:39
  • by Henrik Yllemo